quiz-01Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. This news quiz will be the next to last one of the semester. Good luck!




1. How many additional troops has Obama committed to Afghanistan?
a. 10,000
b. 20,000
c. 30,000
d. 40,000

2. Umaru Yar’Adua has been called on to resign from his post as president of this nation.
a. Algeria
b. Somalia
c. Yemen
d. Nigeria

3. Who is the outgoing head of the IAEA?
a. Mohamed ElBaradei
b. Kofi Annan
c. Hans Blix
d. Yukiya Amano

4. How many states have medical marijuana laws?
a. 9
b. 13
c. 15
d. 18

5. Which government official had a confirmation hearing last week before the Senate?
a. Timothy Geithner
b. Tom Daschle
c. Ben Bernanke
d. James Richardson

6. Which European nation saw Mircea Geoana emerge victorious as its new president last week?
a. Montenegro
b. Ukraine
c. Romania
d. Bulgaria

7. Robert Gates said that there has not been reliable intelligence on this person’s whereabouts in years.
a. Mullah Omar
b. Eric Rudolph
c. Osama bin laden
d. Pervez Musharraf

8. This nation refused to send more troops to Afghanistan last week prior to sending its prime minister to Washington.
a. Great Britain
b. Germany
c. Turkey
d. Japan

9. Queen Elizabeth said last week that the royal palace will no longer tolerate what?
a. Paparazzi
b. Dog fighting
c. War
d. Terrorism

10. This U.S. Senator is in hot water after he nominated his girlfriend for a U.S. attorney position in Montana.
a. Ben Nelson
b. Bob Casey
c. Max Baucus
d. Arlen Specter