Here is this week’s Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This Latin American country has no army.
a.  Honduras
b.  Costa Rica
c.  Belize
d.  Panama

2.  This bookseller is in the final stages of preparing a bankruptcy filing.
a.  Prescott Books
b.  Barnes & Noble
c.  Borders
d.  Amazon

3.  Who did the Chicago Tea Party endorse for mayor?
a.  Miguel del Valle
b.  Gery Chico
c.  Carol Moseley-Braun
d.  Rahm Emanuel

4.  A referendum to discontinue the practice of allowing civilians to keep army-issue weapons at home was defeated in this country last week.
a.  Canada
b.  Colombia
c.  Switzerland
d.  Israel

5.  NYSE Euronext may be acquired by this larger rival.
b.  Shenzhen
c.  FTSE International
d.  Deutsche Boerse

6.  Tunisian immigrants are flooding into which European country, who called for sending its own police to stop the phenomenon.
a.  Italy
b.  Cyprus
c.  Greece
d.  Malta

7.  Which of the following did Egypt’s military NOT do last Sunday?
a.  Suspend the country’s constitution
b.  Dissolve the country’s parliament
c.  Impose martial law
d.  Schedule new elections

8.  President Obama’s new budget cutting proposal plans to cut the deficit by how much over the next ten years?
a.  $700 billion
b.  $1.1 trillion
c.  $2.3 trillion
d.  $3.5 trillion

9.  When was the last time a GOP Congressman joined the Congressional Black Caucus?
a.  1972
b.  1984
c.  1996
d.  2008

10.  Who won the CPAC straw poll?
a.  Mitch Daniels
b.  Ron Paul
c.  Mitt Romney
d.  Sarah Palin