Here is your multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This music artist botched the National Anthem at the Super Bowl.
a.  Christina Aguilera
b.  Lady Gaga
c.  Whitney Houston
d.  The Black Eyed Peas

2.  Thailand is having border clashes with this country.
a.  Laos
b.  Vietnam
c.  Cambodia
d.  Burma

3.  How many American hikers are being put on trial for spying in Iran?
a.  2
b.  3
c.  4
d.  5

4.  Strikes in this country have brought it to a standstill.  The strikes were called for by the country’s biggest opposition group.
a.  Nigeria
b.  Bangladesh
c.  Sudan
d.  Bolivia

5.  What is the latest U.S. unemployment figure?
a.  9.0%
b.  9.4%
c.  9.8%
d.  10.2%

6.  President Obama is addressing this interest group on Monday, which has opposed many of his domestic policies.
a.  The Chamber of Commerce
b.  The National Right to Life Committee
c.  The Club for Growth
d.  The Tea Party

7.  This company has agreed to purchase the Huffington Post.
a.  General Electric
b.  Bloomberg
c.  America Online
d.  News Corporation
8.  Who is Rene Preval’s handpicked candidate in the Haitian presidential election?
a.  Wyclef Jean
b.  Michel Martelly
c.  Mirlande Manigat
d.  Jude Celestin

9.  The federal government is pushing for internet providers to retain data on customers for this period of time.
a.  9 months
b.  12 months
c.  18 months
d.  24 months

10.  Joe Lieberman and this Republican senator released their report on the Fort Hood shooting last week, which claims that it could have been prevented.
a.  Susan Collins
b.  Scott Brown
c.  John McCain
d.  Thad Cochran