Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  Which of the following OPEC members did NOT urge a $100+ price for oil at OPEC’s latest meeting?
a.  Libya
b.  Iran
c.  Saudi Arabia
d.  Venezuela

2.  The governor of this state received some negative press after getting testy with the NAACP over Martin Luther King Day.
a.  Maine
b.  New Jersey
c.  South Carolina
d.  Alabama

3.  What was the only U.S. state that did not see snow last week?
a.  Oklahoma
b.  Texas
c.  Hawaii
d.  Florida

4.  The new chairman of the Republican National Committee hails from which state?
a.  Mississippi
b.  Pennsylvania
c.  Wisconsin
d.  Florida 

5.  BP’s recent $16 billion share swap with this oil company has drawn criticsm in Washington because of implications it may have for American national security.
a.  CNPC
b.  Total
c.  Rosneft
d.  Citgo

6.  Who is the new chairman of the Republican National Committee?
a.  Saul Anuzis
b.  Reince Priebus
c.  Ann Wagner
d.  Mario Cino

7.  The prime minister of this African nation is the African Union’s mediator for the political problems in the Ivory Coast.
a.  Liberia
b.  South Africa
c.  Kenya
d.  Nigeria

8.  Marie Le Pen was pegged to head this French political party on Sunday.
a.  Union for a Popular Movement
b.  Socialist Party
c.  The National Front
d.  The New Center

9.  A cyberworm that attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities was tested in this country.
a.  France
b.  Great Britain
c.  Israel
d.  United States

10.  Which North Africa country saw its president ousted last week because of soaring commodity prices and WikiLeaks revelations about the riches of the president and his relatives?
a.  Morocco
b.  Algeria
c.  Tunisia
d.  Libya