Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. The flying of a European Union (EU) flag at which site caused a recent political fight in France?

The Arc de Triomphe. The French government of Emmanuel Macron fly the flag to commemorate the beginning of France’s presidency of the EU, which will last for six months. National Front leader Marine Le Pen, viewed as a potential opponent for Macron in the second round of France’s presidential election this April, argued that the flying of the flag was an offense to French patriotism. Conservative presidential candidate Valerie Pecresse argued that the flying of the flag was trying to erase French identity. Eventually, the EU flag was taken down, something Macron’s government says was going to happen anyway as the flag was only going to fly for a short while, but right-wing forces called it a victory over the existing administration.

2. Which nation began giving a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose to those over the age of sixty and medical staff?

Israel. It will be giving a fourth vaccine dose developed by Pfizer and BioNTech to those over sixty and medical staff, amounting to a second booster dose. Israel is hoping that this will help it keep down its number of COVID cases, which are rising due to the Omicron variant.

3. New York Governor Kelly Hochul is seeking what type of term limit on future New York governors and other statewide officials?

Two elected terms, which would amount to eight years. New York is one of the states that does not have term limits on its governor. Critics argue that this has allowed some governors, such as Hochul’s predecessor Andrew Cuomo, to amass large amounts of power and corrupt the state government. The term limit proposal would apply to the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and comptroller. If New York’s state legislature approved the measure, it would go to voters and only go into effect if they approved of it as well.

4. Which American political official had their personal Twitter account permanently suspended this week?

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Twitter suspended Greene, a Republican, from its platform for sharing misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic and how there have been a high number of deaths from people who took COVID vaccinations.

5. Which American cultural icon passed away last week?

Betty White. White died in her sleep at the age of ninety-nine, a couple of weeks shy of her one hundredth birthday. White began her career in radio in 1949 and had a career that spanned into the twenty-first century with cameos on Saturday Night Live.

6. New York’s Attorney General recently subpoenaed which three prominent figures as part of a business practices proble?

Former President Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Ivanka. New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking testimony from all three as part of an ongoing probe into whether the former president’s Trump Organization misled banks and tax officials about the value of its assets to get better loan terms or reduce tax liabilities.

7. Germany recently objected to EU plans to make which energy source part of its plan to counter climate change?

Nuclear energy. Germany is closing its three remaining nuclear power plants this year because of safety concerns. However, this puts it at odds with fellow EU power France, which wants to build new nuclear reactors to meet the nation’s energy needs. The EU plan that Germany objects to calls for nuclear energy and natural gas to be used at times to transition away from fossil fuels.

8. Former President Donald Trump recently endorsed which foreign political figure’s re-election campaign?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban and his far-right Fidesz party have led Hungary since 2010 and come under fire from the EU and other international organizations for reducing the freedom of the nation’s press, judiciary, and academic institutions. Hungary will hold its parliamentary elections this spring in April or May.

9. Earlier this week there were two attempted drone attacks on U.S. forces in which country?

Iraq. According to reports, U.S. forces came under two attempted drone attacks on their bases in the Middle Eastern country, but were successful in shooting the drones down. Although no group has claimed responsibility, some point the finger at Iranian allies in the area because the attempted attacks took place on the second anniversary of the U.S. assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, an incident that nearly led to war between the U.S. and Iranian forces in January 2020.

10. How much money is the United States keeping from Afghanistan’s Taliban-ruled government due to existing sanctions?

At least $10 billion. The United States still designates the Taliban as a terrorist organization and the Biden administration has warned business groups that work with the regime that they could face financial sanctions for doing so. The U.S. also froze the $10 billion in Afghan assets after the Taliban seized power in August. The frozen assets are preventing the Taliban from paying for much needed food supplies, causing some members of Congress this week to criticize the Biden administration for keeping sanctions in place.