Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This state was hit by a series of tornadoes last week.
a.  Mississippi
b.  Alabama
c.  Georgia
d.  Louisiana

2.  This year in China is the year of the…
a.  Dog
b.  Dragon
c.  Buffalo
d.  Shark

3.  This city is the host of this year’s Summer Olympics.
a.  Moscow, Russia
b.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
c.  London, England
d.  Baghdad, Iraq

4.  The longest annual address delivered to Congress was given by this president in 1946.
a.  Franklin D. Roosevelt
b.  Harry S. Truman
c.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
d.  John F. Kennedy

5.  The GOP response to President Obama’s speech to Congress came from this Republican.
a.  Mitt Romney
b.  Newt Gingrich
c.  Jeb Bush
d.  Mitch Daniels

6.  U.S. special forces rescued aid workers in this country.
a.  Yemen
b.  Ethiopia
c.  Somalia
d.  Kenya

7.  This GOP candidate cancelled campaign stops in Florida to be with his ill daughter in Pennsylvania.
a.  Rick Santorum
b.  Newt Gingrich
c.  Mitt Romney
d.  Ron Paul

8.  The governor of this state was photographed putting their finger in President Obama’s face this week.
a.  Jan Brewer
b.  Jerry Brown
c.  Scott Walker
d.  Steve Beshear

9.  President Obama has called on colleges to contain their tuition or face these consequences.
a.  The loss of faculty positions
b.  The loss of presidential speaking appearances
c.  The loss of federal funding
d.  The loss of their athletic programs

10.  This former GOP presidential candidate endorsed Newt Gingrich in Florida late last week.
a.  John McCain
b.  Gary Johnson
c.  Michelle Bachmann
d.  Herman Cain