Here is the final short answer Extemp Central news quiz for the 2011-2012 season.  Good luck!

1. This state’s move to purge its voter rolls of illegal immigrants and other ineligible voters is being called illegal by the Justice Department.


2. Colombia’s FARC released a journalist from this country, who they had held for a month, last week.


3. This African nation has been accused of meddling in mosques in its territory.

4. California is proposing a tax of what level on cigarettes?

5. Why was George Zimmerman forced back to prison over the weekend?

6. How long has Queen Elizabeth reigned over Great Britain?

7. Michael Bloomberg touched a small nerve around the country last week when he said that New York City would push to regulate this.

8. Which European country brought up the idea of the EU issuing “eurobonds” for the currency union?

9. What sentence was given to former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who was found guilty of not preventing the death of protesters during Egypt’s Arab Spring protest?

10. What is the new U.S. unemployment rate?