Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. What is a federal gas tax holiday?

A federal gas tax holiday would suspend the federal excise tax on gasoline for a specific period of time. The current federal tax per gallon of gasoline is 18.4 cents. The proposal has been floated by various Democratic governors to alleviate price pressure on consumers and other states like Vermont are looking to pause their state gas taxes. Democratic senators Mark Kelly of Arizona and Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire favor the effort too as they face re-election later this year. Current federal and state gas taxes are levied to pay for existing infrastructure.

2. Which NATO member recently called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine?

Estonia. The Baltic nation’s parliament called for a no-fly zone on Monday in order “to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine.” The United States and other NATO countries have rejected calls for a no-fly zone because it would directly put NATO in conflict in Ukrainian airspace with Russian forces, thereby escalating the conflict and potentially broadening the war.

3. What does Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill (also referred to by detractors as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill) do?

The bill prohibits Florida public schools for teaching children about sexual orientation or identity from kindergarten through third grade. It also says that discussions of these topics must be age appropriate through twelfth grade. The legislation awaits the signature of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is facing pressure from Disney, which made the decision to cease donations to all political donations in the state.

4. Which U.S. state legislature recently passed a copy of Texas’ controversial abortion bill?

Idaho. Like Texas, the bill that passed the Idaho House on Monday outlaws abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. The state’s Planned Parenthood group says that it will be forced to stop providing abortion services if the bill is signed into law by Republican Governor Brad Little. Unlike Texas’ bill, though, Idaho’s does allow for exceptions in case of incest or rape if the individual reports it to the proper authorities. Also, only abortion doctors can be sued and must be sued by the patient or their families. Critics contend that the law is unconstitutional and hurts Idaho women as many do not know they are pregnant before the six weeks expires.

5. Who won South Korea’s presidential election?

Yoon Suk-yeol. He was the Prosecutor General of South Korea from July 2019 to March 2021 before jumping into presidential politics. Yoon triumphed in last Wednesday’s election, narrowly defeating Democratic candidate Lee Jae-myung 48.5% to 47.83%. During the campaign Mr. Yoon discussed the need to have a sterner posture in negotiations with North Korea and to continue international sanctions until North Korea took steps to wind down its weapons program.

6. Last week, a federal grand jury indicted the former leader of the Proud Boys. Who was it?

Enrique Tarrio. A federal grand jury indicted Tarrio of conspiring to disrupt the certification of electoral votes from the 2020 presidential election and launching an attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

7. An Indian court in the southern state of Karnataka recently upheld a government ban on what?

Wearing the hijab in class. The hijab, a headscarf that is worn by Muslim women, was ruled by the state court as a non-essential religious practice in Islam. Muslim students had challenged the ban, arguing that it was an infringement on their education and religious freedom. Critics see the decision as another sign of discrimination against Muslims by India’s Hindu nationalist BJP, which governs the country and Karnataka.

8. U.S. officials contended this week that Russia reached out to whom for economic and military assistance?

China. If China were to comply, international observers think it could rejuvenate Russian military action in the country and help Russia better cope with the pressure placed on it by Western sanctions. China and Russia have each denied reports about cooperation.

9. Who is Chile’s new president and what major change does he want to make to the country?

Gabriel Boric, who at thirty-six-years-old is Chile’s youngest president. A former student activist, Boric wants to enact a social democratic platform that will tackle inequalities in the country in income, healthcare, and education. He wants to move Chile away from the free market policies created by former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

10. How many refugees has Russia’s war in Ukraine created and where have most of them gone?

The BBC reported yesterday that the conflict in Ukraine has created 2.8 million refugees. Poland has taken in 1.7 million, followed by Hungary with 255,000, and Slovakia with 204,000. Great Britain has also started a policy that will compensate households that take in refugees.