Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. Which port city in Ukraine is under siege from Russian forces?

Mariupol. By Tuesday, Russian forces had encircled the city and the BBC reported that the 300,000 residents that were trapped there did not have electricity, water, or gas. It has also been reported that 80% of residential buildings have been damaged and destroyed. Russian forces want to take the city because it would create a land connection between the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

2. According to reports, the U.S. Census incorrectly counted how many people and what groups were missed the most?

According to the New York Times on March 10, the U.S. Census Bureau incorrectly counted 18.8 million people and other reports from late 2021 suggest that the Census may have missed more than 1.5 million people. Groups that were undercounted included racial minorities, renters, and children. The New York Times report noted that the 2020 census missed 4.99 of every 100 Hispanics, 5.64 of every 100 Native Americans, and 3.3 of every 100 African Americans.

3. What type of weapons system did the Biden administration recently transfer to Saudi Arabia?

Patriot missiles. The transfer is meant to help Saudi Arabia guard itself against drone and missile attacks from Houthi rebels in Yemen, which are supported by Iran, the Saudis regional rival. The Biden administration has had difficult relations with Iran since taking office since President Biden has refused to talk with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman due to human rights concerns.

4. What are hypersonic missiles?

Hypersonic missiles fly at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) and are more accurate. Russia and China have invested in hypersonic technology and successfully tested it, alarming U.S. policymakers. Ukraine has alleged that Russia is using hypersonic missiles against it.

5. Who is Jean-Luc Mélenchon?

Mélenchon is a far-left candidate in the French presidential election. Representing the La France Insoumise (LFI) Party, he is currently polling in fourth place. Mélenchon is campaigning for a lower retirement age (from 62 to 60), a minimum wage increase, and a freeze on food and fuel prices. He has also taken controversial positions on NATO and the EU, favoring an end to France’s membership in the organization and blocking future EU free trade agreements.

6. Which corporation recently decided to pause political donations in Florida?

Disney. Disney CEO Bob Chapek said that Disney would not make political donations in the state over the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill (formally called the Parental Rights in Education bill), heeding calls from the LGBTQ+ community to do so. Activists revealed that Disney had donated $300,000 to some of the bill’s supporters over the last two years.

7. What is the name of South Korea’s presidential residence?

The Blue House. South Korea’s incoming president, Yoon Suk Yeol, recently announced that he would not live there, preferring to relocate to the Defense Ministry, located in the central part of the capital city of Seoul. Mr. Yoon argues that he wants to be closer to the people, but critics say that he is undermining national security and that the move will cost taxpayers more money.

8. Why has WNBA basketball star Brittney Griner been detained in Russia?

Russia says that it detained Griner on drug charges after finding vape cartridges containing hashish oil in her luggage. Virginia Senator Tim Kaine says that he thinks Russia wants to use Griner’s arrest as a bargaining chip with the United States over Ukraine. Russian media reported last week that Griner will be detained until at least May 19.

9. Prior to its recent position change, Spain backed what solution to the Western Sahara dispute?

Spain backed a referendum on the future of Western Sahara, a territory seized by Morocco when Spain evacuated the territory in 1975. Spain recently endorsed Morocco’s plan to give Western Sahara a degree of political autonomy, but the Polisario Front, which wants Western Sahara to be an independent state, is against Morocco’s plan and has been critical of Spain’s new position.

10. Which three U.S. states will have voters determine this November whether to call new state constitutional conventions?

Alaska, New Hampshire, and Missouri. In each of these states, it is a regular procedure to ask voters whether to call a constitutional convention. In Alaska, voters are presented with the question of doing a convention every ten years, New Hampshire is the same, and in Missouri it is every 20 years.