Here is your Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Good luck!

1.  Which nation was rocked with a 8.8-magnitude earthquake over the weekend?
a.  Chile
b.  Australia
c.  Japan
d.  Cuba

2.  The chief of this international organization created a stir by saying that they are infavor of a new international reserve currency.
a.  The World Bank
b.  The World Trade Organization
c.  The International Monetary Fund
d.  The G20

3.  This state is working towards the creation of a single-payer healthcare system.
a.  California
b.  Oregon
c.  New York
d.  New Hampshire

4.  This country’s Constitutional Court rejected a bid by its president to run for a third term.
a.  Colombia
b.  Russia
c.  Zimbabwe
d.  Honduras

5.  At last week’s healthcare summit Barack Obama reminded this GOP politician that the 2008 campaign was over.
a.  Lamar Alexander
b.  John McCain
c.  Mitch McConnell
d.  John Boehner

6.  Leaders of Latin American and Cariibean nations agreed last week to set up a new regional body that will be a rival to whom?
a.  Free Trade Area of the Americas
b.  Mercosur 
c.  Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas
d.  Organization of American States

7.  Last week, President Obama extended parts of this piece of federal legislation.
a.  No Child Left Behind
b.  The Patriot Act
c.  McCain-Feingold
d.  Economic Growth & Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001

8.  The Supreme Court case of McDonald v. Chicago concerns what controversial social issue?
a.  Abortion
b.  Gun control
c.  Gay rights
d.  Affirmative action

9.  Last week, Muammar Qaddafi called for a jihad against what nation?
a.  Germany
b.  The Netherlands
c.  Great Britain
d.  Switzerland

10.  Obama’s inner circle at the White House saw a shakeup last week as this individual announced that they will step down next month.
a.  Desiree Rogers
b.  David Axelrod
c.  Rahm Emanuel
d.  David Gibbs