Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Good luck!

1. Knut, a polar bear, was a star attraction at a zoo in this country. Knut died last week. He was four years ago.

2. As of midday yesterday, this was the only Middle East nation to commit forces against the Libyan government.

3. G7 members intervened to stop the appreciation of this currency over the weekend.

4. In September, President Obama will need to be appoint the head of this government body.

5. The U.S. ambassador to this nation resigned because of the WikiLeaks affair last week.

6. Utah made this a state symbol last week.

7. The president of this Middle Eastern country sacked his cabinet last weekend.

8. How many constitutional amendments did Egyptian voters approve of last weekend?

9. A major trial begins Monday for this baseball great.

10. Which of these countries DID NOT abstain from the UN resolution that authorized a no fly zone over Libya?
a. China
b. Germany
c. Nigeria
d. Russia