Here is your multiple choice version of the Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Good luck!

1.  Following the Toyota recalls, this car company has issued a recall of its own.
a.  General Motors
b.  Ford
c.  Honda
d.  Volkswagen

2.  David Headley pled guilty last week for his role in providing support for which terrorist attack?
a.  Fort Hood shooting
b.  Mumbai attack
c.  Madrid bombings
d.  The 2001 anthrax scare

3.  The New York Conservative Party backed this figure for governor.
a.  Rick Lazio
b.  Steve Levy
c.  Michael Long
d.  Rudy Giuliani

4.  A reform of this was tucked into the healthcare bill.
a.  Unemployment benefits
b.  Student loan industry
c.  Medicare Part D
d.  Airline security practices

5.  This British airline is experiencing a strike over pay and work practices.
a.  Ryan Air
b.  Virgin Express
c.  Britsh Midlands Airlines
d.  British Airways

6.  Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of what major event in South Africa’s history?
a.  The founding of the ANC
b.  The implementation of the Group Areas Act
c.  The Sharpeville massacre
d.  The imprisonment of Nelson Mandela

7.  Iraq’s electoral commission on Sunday rejected a demand by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to do what?
a.  Remove soldiers from the Iraqi army
b.  Conduct a manual recount of ballots
c.  Look into allegations that poll workers were bribed
d.  Reinstate candidates that were banned from the latest election

8.  Senate Republicans believe that they can defeat a reconciliation attempt on healthcare because they allege the Democrats reconciliation bill violates this piece of legislation.
a.  Omnibus Legislative Funding Act of 1968
b.  Balanced Budget Act of 1995
c.  Reconciliation Act of 1968
d.  Congressional Budget Act of 1974

9.  According to Reuters, this many states are suing the EPA to stop it from issuing rules to control greenhouse gas emissions.
a.  12
b.  15
c.  17
d.  22

10.  The efforts of this city to hold back the crest of the Red River last week attracted national media attention.
a.  Fargo
b.  Minneapolis
c.  Sturgis
d.  Lansing