
quiz-01Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

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1. Female members of the Kenyan Parliament stormed out of a parliamentary session last weekend after Kenyan legislators pushed for this change to civil law.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Kenyan legislators are looking to amend a marriage bill that will legalize polygamy to allow husbands to take as many wives as they want without consulting their existing spouses.  Tradition holds that first wives have to give approval to new marriages.[/toggle]

2. This international airline recently suspended flights to Venezuela.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Air Canada.  The airline said that due to political unrest in the country and other security concerns that it would suspend flights to the country.[/toggle]

3. This part of Moldova wants to break away and join Russia.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Transdniestria.  The province is on the border with Ukraine and has asked to follow Crimea’s path and join Russia.  Currently, the province operates as a state with limited recognition.  It declared independence in 1990, but has been unrecognized by any other United Nations member.[/toggle]

4. What is the main topic on the agenda for the Nuclear Security Summit in the Hague?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Nuclear terrorism.  The two-day talks will include delegates from fifty-three countries.  Despite tensions in Crimea, it is expected that Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.[/toggle]

5. This country’s prime minister recently shut down Twitter because it was not obeying his country’s laws.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Turkey.  Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that he gave the order to shut down Twitter, but initially said it was done by court order.  He has accused Twitter of having a double standard and not shutting down accounts at the request of the Turkish government, while doing that for American and European governments.  Opponents of Erdogan argue that he is trying to suppress freedom of speech in light of recent political problems that have racked his Justice and Development (AK) Party.[/toggle]

6. The offices of Gordon Fox were raided in Rhode Island last week. Who is he and why is he a significant political figure?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Gordon Fox was the Rhode Island Speaker of the House before he resigned after federal agents raided his office last week.  He was the first openly gay state-level Speaker in American history.[/toggle]

7. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York is championing a new media law that would do what?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]The law Schumer is supporting would protect reporters and news media from having to reveal confidential sources.  The impetus behind the bill was a revelation last year that the Justice Department has secretly subpoenaed two months of telephone records for twenty-one phone lines used by the Associated Press and used a secret search warrant to obtain e-mails from a Fox News journalist.  The bill’s protections would apply to a “covered journalist” who is an independent contractor or agent of entity that disseminates news or information that has been employed for a year within the last 20 or three months in the last five years.  It would also cover student journalists and judges could declare someone a “covered journalist.”  However, media outlets would have to go to a judge if the government asked for sources and that would govern the release of information.[/toggle]

8. Advocates of reducing heroin overdose deaths are petitioning state governments to make this drug more available.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Naxolene.  The drug, which can be injected or given via nasal spray to a heroin overdose victim, can restore breathing and has been credited with saving thousands of lives since 2001.  Two weeks ago Ohio became the latest state to allow first responders to carry naxolone.  Currently, seventeen states and the District of Columbia have given their first responders naxolene.[/toggle]

9. In her address to students in China over the weekend, First Lady Michelle Obama said that these three ideas this should be universal rights.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Mrs. Obama said that freedom of information, expression, and belief should be considered “universal rights.”  China’s state controlled media made no mention of her comments.[/toggle]

10. This conservative personality was attacked last week for his claim that he paid the federal tax for not signing up for insurance as required by the Affordable Care Act.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Matt Drudge, who runs the website The Drudge Report.  The White House blasted Drudge’s comments as misleading because the tax does not take effect until 2014 taxes are filed (2013 taxes are being filed this year), but Drudge’s defenders have said that since he files quarterly as a small business he would have to pay the tax.[/toggle]