Here is this week’s multiple choice version of the Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1. This country’s parliament is questioning whether to continue to cooperate with the United States in the war on terrorism. This country has had a turbulent relationship with the United States since September 11th.
a. Afghanistan
b. India
c. Pakistan
d. China

2. Who was the first woman to be elected to serve in Congress?
a. Eleanor Norton
b. Jeanette Rankin
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Susan B. Anthony

3. How many current U.S. senators are women?
a. 15
b. 17
c. 19
d. 21

4. Ed O’Bannon is currently suing the NCAA. Why is he suing them?
a. He argues that they turned a blind eye to violations taking place at other schools
b. He argues that schools are not monitoring the academics of their athletes closely enough
c. He argues that they are making money off of his likeness in video games and DVD’s
d. He argues that it is unconstitutional to make 18 year old play one year of college basketball before going to the NBA

5. This U.S. state held a primary last Tuesday, which Mitt Romney won.
a. South Dakota
b. Wyoming
c. Illinois
d. Delaware

6. The Amazon rainforest takes up what percentage of Brazil’s territory?
a. 20%
b. 30%
c. 40%
d. 50%

7. A nuclear summit in South Korea is focused on what issue?
a. The arms control of nuclear weapons
b. Nuclear underground testing
c. Nuclear terrorism
d. Nuclear proliferation to rogue states

8. The incumbent president of this African nation conceded defeat in a presidential runoff this weekend.
a. Liberia
b. Guinea
c. Senegal
d. Uganda

9. Myanmar recently took this step last week to make itself more attractive to international investors.
a. It hired foreign workers for its nuclear power plants
b. It signed free trade deals with South Korea and Japan
c. It has opened up the Burmese political process
d. It passed a new series of investment laws

10. Name all of the teams in this year’s NCAA Final Four.