Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

Note:  I do have the Harvard and California Invitational results.  When I get time to type them up and post them, I will do so and will then update the National Points Race.

1. What was the name of the computer worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear program in 2010?

2. It is reported that the Senate’s “Gang of Six” is looking at trying to find a solution to this issue.

3. Rush Limbaugh apologized for remarks made concerning a Georgetown University Law student last week. These remarks happened because of the student’s stance on what issue?

4. Iran recently held elections for this over the weekend.

5. How many current U.S. Senators have chosen not to seek re-election in 2012?

6. Who won the Russian presidential election?

7. This conservative media voice passed away last week.

8. General Motors halted production of this vehicle last week.

9. Which GOP Senator announced that they are going to retire, thereby throwing the GOP’s plans to recapture the Senate into disarray?

10. Over the weekend, Mitt Romney scored another victory in this state.