For those extempers that seek a challenge here is this week’s short answer news quiz.

1.  This New york Congressmen announced his resignation last week and now alleges that he was pushed out over healthcare.

2.  It has been reported that after the healthcare debate is finished President Obama plans to tackle this controversial social issue.

3.  This film won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

4.  Some say Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East will lead to him saying that this nation will be protected by America’s nuclear weapons.

5.  What was the turnout for the recent Iraqi elections (rounded down)?

6.  The military junta that governs this nation announced last week that its election law has been completed.

7.  It has been announced that two Florida lawmakers plan to introduce legislation before Congress to keep this active through 2011.

8.  Last week Germany recommended that Greece sell this to pay off its debts.

9.  Yvo de Boer resigned last week.  He was executive secretary of what organization?

10.  This Ukrainian leader lost a vote of confidence last week in the nation’s parliament.