Here is your Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  What is the name of South America’s new political bloc that is led by Nestor Kirchner?
d.  OASU

2.  Last week, this European nation had a successful parliamentary vote on banning the Islamic veil.
a.  The Netherlands
b.  Belgium
c.  Italy
d.  Spain

3.  This state’s homeschool system has come under attack for being too lax.
a.  Virginia
b.  Texas
c.  Kentucky
d.  New Mexico

4.  Israel has alleged that this nation is shipping WMDs to Syria.
a.  Iraq
b.  North Korea
c.  Pakistan
d.  Iran

5.  This state has decided to furlough 100,000 state workers because of economic conditions.
a.  Illinois
b.  California
c.  New York
d.  New Jersey

6.  Joe Sestak is ahead of this Senator in Democratic primary polls released earlier in the week.
a.  Blanche Lincoln
b.  Pam Murray
c.  Harry Reid
d.  Arlen Specter

7.  This MDC politician could face the death penalty over terror charges in Zimbabwe.
a.  Chimembiri Bhunu
b.  Roy Bennett
c.  George Mlala
d.  Morgan Tsvangirai

8.  Elena Kagan, Barack Obama’s pick to replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, served under this president as a legal advisor.
a.  Bill Clinton
b.  Ronald Reagan
c.  Jimmy Carter
d.  Gerald Ford

9.  Beningo Aquino III is trying to become president of this nation.
a.  India
b.  Nepal
c.  The Philippines
d.  Nicaragua

10.  Russia met with this Middle Eastern nation earlier in the week to discuss peace in the region.
a.  Syria
b.  Israel
c.  Jordan
d.  Iran