Here is this week’s Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1. This European country nationalized one of its banks last week and set off a bank scare.
a. Ireland
b. Greece
c. Portugal
d. Spain

2. Why is Christine Quinn in the news at the moment?
a. She is leading the Obama administration’s push to resolve the euro debt crisis
b. She is the leading prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case
c. She is in charge of America’s defense forces in Afghanistan
d. She could become New York City’s first openly gay mayor

3. East Timor has argued that it would like to form an alliance with these two nations.
a. Australia and Indonesia
b. New Zealand and the Philippines
c. Indonesia and The Philippines
d. Australia and New Zealand

4. UN deminers were freed by this nation to the AU on Sunday.
a. Sudan
b. Uganda
c. Liberia
d. Zimbabwe

5. Sri Lanka released Sarath Fonseka from prison on Sunday. What position did he use to hold in the Sri Lankan government?
a. Vice-president
b. Foreign minister
c. Army chief
d. Trade minister

6. Why is the death of Abdel Basset Ali Megrahi significant?
a. He was the last elected Afghan president
b. He was one of the convicted bombers of Pan Am 103
c. He was the new top leader of Al Qaeda after Osama bin Laden
d. He was trying to create a peace deal between Taliban insurgents and the United States

7. In a recent campaign speech, Mitt Romney warned that the U.S. economy is on the path to replication the economy of this place.
a. California
b. Italy
c. Germany
d. Spain

8. This country has blocked Twitter for “blasphemous content.”
a. Pakistan
b. Nigeria
c. Afghanistan
d. Saudi Arabia

9. This organization’s board of directors on Satursday endorsed gay marriage as a civil right.
a. National Lawyer’s Guild
b. National Association for the Advanced of Colored People
c. American Civil Liberties Union
d. Greenpeace

10. Which U.S. city is holding a NATO summit and attracted a large demonstration Sunday?
a. New Orleans
b. Washington D.C.
c. Chicago
d. New York City