Here is this week’s multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  Who is going to be the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
a.  Martin Dempsey
b.  James Cartwright
c.  Michael Mullen
d.  David Patraeus

2.  President Obama’s signature with an autopen on this piece of legislation spurred controversy last week.
a.  Extension of the Hyde Amendment
b.  Reauthorization of the Patriot Act
c.  A cybersecurity law
d.  Extension of unemployment benefits

3.  Planned Parenthood has recently challenged this states new abortion law.
a.  Wisconsin
b.  South Dakota
c.  Missouri
d.  Alabama

4.  The prime minister of this Asian country recently stepped down in order to extend that country’s parliamentary term for three months.
a.  Thailand
b.  Sri Lanka
c.  Cambodia
d.  Nepal

5.  This country recently joined the chorus in calling for Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi to step down.
a.  Brazil
b.  South Africa
c.  China
d.  Russia

6.  War criminal Ratko Mladic was arrested in this country last week.
a.  Serbia
b.  Greece
c.  Macedonia
d.  Bosnia

7.  This notable New York Republican is said to be contemplating a presidential bid.
a.  Peter King
b.  Rick Lazio
c.  Rudy Giuliani
d.  George Pataki

8.  A cucumber E. coli bug that originated in this country is sickening people across Europe.
a.  Spain
b.  Ukraine
c.  Mexico
d.  Tunisia

9.  The Supreme Court recently held that this state’s law that requires employers to look into the legal status of the workers they hire is constitutional.
a.  Nevada
b.  California
c.  New Mexico
d.  Arizona

10.  This state’s attempt at stopping TSA screening procedures was thwarted after the federal government said that it may not allow flights from the state to go to other states.
a.  Tennessee
b.  Florida
c.  South Carolina
d.  Texas