Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1.  This Congressman is calling for an inquiry into a job offer made to Joe Sestak by the White House if he had dropped his bid for Pennsylvania’s Senate seat.

2.  Which party dropped out of Japan’s governing coalition because of Hotoyama’s failure to get U.S. troops out of Okinawa?

3.  Juan Manuel Santos, who was the top vote getter in the first round of the Colombian presidential election, occupied this post in Alvaro Uribe’s government.

4.  The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, said there is “clear evidence” that this nation is providing weapons and training to Taliban fighters.

5.  This proposition in California, which will be voted on this November would require a two-third vote before local governments could form or expand municipal utilities.

6.  What was the name of the tropical storm that hit Central America over the weekend?

7.  Ron Kirk, a Senate candidate in Illinois, was on the defensive last week concerning a wrongful claim that he won an award from this branch of the armed services.

8.  BP has warned that oil might keep leaking into the Gulf of Mexico until this month.

9.  The leader of this European nation recently wrote an article for the Cato Institute and declared that the euro zone has failed.

10.  The United States recently backed a UN resolution that calls for a nuclear-free zone in this region.