Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This is the acronym that can be formulated from the name of Senate Democrats proposal for dealing with the illegal immigration issue.
b.  GAIN
d.  FAIR

2.  This Tuesday marks the 30th anniversary of a shooting at this American university.
a.  New York University
b.  Claremont University
c.  University of California at Berkeley
d.  Kent State University

3.  The government of this area said that it was unable to pay thousands of government workers for a second straight month.
a.  Guinea
b.  Transnistria
c.  Gaza Strip
d.  Greece

4.  This terrorist outfit has promised an attack on major U.S. cities within the next month.
a.  Lashkar e-Taiba
b.  Al Qaeda in Iraq
c.  Armed Islamic Group
d.  Pakistani Taliban

5.  Who is Meg Whitman’s biggest challenger in the GOP’s gubernatorial primary in California?
a.  Steve Poizner
b.  Gary Coleman
c.  Carly Fiorina
d.  Tom McClintock

6.  This nation has seen a nationwide strike my Maoist protesters who want their country’s prime minister to resign.
a.  India
b.  Nepal
c.  Bangladesh
d.  Sri Lanka

7.  This oil company is in charge of the lease the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that is leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
a.  BP
b.  ConocoPhillips
c.  Chevron
d.  Royal Dutch Shell

8.  This American city had a car bomb scare over the weekend.
a.  Chicago
b.  New York
c.  Philadelphia
d.  Boston

9.  This Chinese city is hosting the 2010 World Exposition.
a.  Beijing
b.  Hong Kong
c.  Tianjin
d.  Shanghai

10.  Last week, the International Crisis Group predicted that this nation is going to have a civil war.
a.  Venezuela
b.  Kyrgyzstan
c.  Thailand
d.  Nigeria