Here is your Thanksgiving week Extemp Central shor t answer news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This state’s voters ousted three state Supreme Court justices who agreed to strike down a ban on gay marriage.  Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee applauded the move.

2.  Critics have blasted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest call that Iranian women should marry at what age?

3.  This terror suspect was acquitted on 284 or 285 charges last week.  The charges were tied to the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa.

4.  This week’s International Tiger Forum for the 13 nations that still have tiger populations met in what country this week?

5.  How much money is the Irish government set to receive in loans from the EU?

6.  How many candidates did a watchdog panel disqualify after investigating fraud in Afgahnistan’s parliamentary election?

7.  This official in Japan’s government resigned after saying how easy his job was.

8.  This year has been set by NATO as the deadline for handing over security to local authorities in Afghanistan.

9.  Pope Benedict XVI recently made headlines for supporting condom use to prevent this.

10.  Who is the head of the Transportation Security Administration?