Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!quiz-01

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1. Which U.S. Senator is receiving $300 million in Medicaid benefits for their state for pushing forward with the healthcare bill?
a. Mary Landrieu
b. Blanche Lincoln
c. Ben Nelson
d. Joe Lieberman

2. President Obama talked at a town hall meeting with young people of which country last week?
a. Burma
b. Singapore
c. China
d. Japan

3. Fighting is currently taking place in which Middle Eastern nation, which experts argue is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran?
a. Oman
b. Dubai
c. Yemen
d. Lebanon

4. Who have German Social Democrats selected as their new leader?
a. Gerhard Schroeder
b. Sigmar Gabriel
c. Gero Neugebauer
d. Rainer Brüderle

5. Which former U.S. Congressmen was sentenced to 13 years in jail last week for corruption? (Hint: he stuffed money in his freezer)
a. Tom DeLay
b. Michele Bachmann
c. Maxine Waters
d. William Jefferson

6. Who is the Israeli soldier who has been held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip since 2006?
a. Gilad Shalit
b. James Steinberg
c. Haim Saban
d. Duraid Lahham

7. Which TV personality is ending their daytime show in 2011?
a. Judge Judy
b. Oprah
c. Barbara Walters
d. Dr. Phil

8. The EU’s new president hails from what country?
a. France
b. Germany
c. Belgium
d. Finland

9. A government task force recommended that women should wait till the age of 50 to be checked out for what?
a. Pregnancy
b. Breast cancer
c. Alzheimers
d. Menopause

10. Name the 3 major parties in the British parliamentary system.