
Hopefully everyone had a good weekend (or a good tournament to those who were competing).  With the Glenbrooks only a few weeks away it is important to be on top of current news events.  To help in that, here is the short answer version of the Extemp Central news quiz, which is the first news quiz released in November.

Answers, as always, will be posted Friday.  Good luck!

And don’t forget, if you have any predictions for tomorrow’s elections in New Jersey, New York, or Virginia go to our facebook page and post them.  They will be put here tomorrow morning right as the polls open!

1.  Which third party is performing well in the House race in NY-23?

2.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to what country last week to discuss U.S. aid and hold a televised town hall meeting?

3.  Which Democratic candidate in California’s governor’s race dropped out last week?

4.  Which Democratic politician said last week that he was going to stump for the GOP in 2010?

5.  Somali pirates have recently kidnapped a couple from what country?

6.  Which consumer finance company is (or may have already by the time you read this) prepared to declare bankruptcy, putting $2.3 billion of U.S. aid at risk?

7.  Which Latin American country is planning to raise taxes to reduce its dependence on its oil industry?

8.  What is the name of India’s Marxist insurgency that India has been wrestling with for several decades?

9.  President Obama gave $3.4 billion last week to a project to build what?

10.  Who, aside from Tony Blair, has been seen as a candidate for the EU presidency?