quiz-01Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Brush up on your knowledge of domestic and global events that were taking place over your Thanksgiving Break.  Good luck!




1. Which international organization censured Iran for its nuclear activities?
a. UN
c. NPT

2. What is the name of Sudan’s peace accord between the northern and southern parts of the country that was agreed to in 2005?
a. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement
b. The Doha Agreement
c. The Treaty of Paris
d. The Treaty of Vereeniging

3. President Obama announced last week that he would travel to this location in Europe for a global climate change summit.
a. London
b. Copenhagen
c. Helsinki
d. Prague

4. Michaele and Tareq Salahi crashed what event last week?
a. White House state dinner
b. A defense planning meeting on Afghanistan
c. The wedding of Joe Biden’s eldest son
d. A Washington news correspondents party

5. Which piece of American security legislation is expiring on New Year’s Eve?
a. Military Commissions Act
b. US Antiterrorism and Death Penalty Act
c. The REAL ID Act
d. The Patriot Act

6. How many governor’s offices are up for election in 2010?
a. 30
b. 33
c. 37
d. 40

7. The fighting in Eastern Congo is against a group that has origins in which country?
a. Uganda
b. Rwanda
c. Eritrea
d. Ethiopia

8. This Latin American personality greeted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a hug last week and told Western nations to leave his country alone.
a. Hugo Chavez
b. Christina Fernandez de Kirchner
c. Lula da Silva
d. Evo Morales

9. Who are Sri Lanka’s major minority group?
a. Tamils
b. Sinhalese
c. Kachin
d. Chin

10. Which sports personality is in hot water after a car accident last week?
a. Michael Jordan
b. LeBron James
c. Tiger Woods
d. Wayne Gretzky