Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Good luck!

1. This state elected an independent as its new governor last Tuesday.

2. This governor’s race was the center of controversy last week after a bag of uncounted ballots was found.

3. The Congressional Black Caucus has given this member their support in a bid to become the new House Minority Leader.

4. The U.S. has said that it will drop this nation from the state sponsor of terrorism list if it complies with the terms of a peace treaty next month.

5. This party won local elections by a large margin in Greece, causing the prime minister to back off a pledge to hold local elections.

6. President Obama criticized elections that were held in this country over the weekend.

7. The winners of these two Senate seats are to be seated for the lame duck session of Congress.

8. Which of the following Democratic-held Senate seats did not switch on Election Day?

9. President Obama made a trip to this Asian nation over the weekend.

10. How much money did the Federal Reserve pump into the economy last week?