Here is your multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1. Botswana’s President Ian Khama asked the West to drop sanctions against this nation last week.
a. Iran
b. Zimbabwe
c. North Korea
d. Sudan

2. This nationally recognized figure dropped hints last week that they may run for president in 2012.
a. Ross Perot
b. Donald Trump
c. Jesse Ventura
d. Michael Bloomberg

3. A GOP congressional candidate in this state is under fire after dressing up as a Nazi.
a. Ohio
b. Arkansas
c. Indiana
d. Kentucky

4. A gay rights parade in this European nation erupted into violence over the weekend.
a. Switzerland
b. Ukraine
c. Serbia
d. Austria

5. Which of the following nations were NOT in the top three of TNS’s survey of highly engaged online populations.
a. China
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Egypt
d. Turkey

6. This nation had the biggest economic decline in 2009 among EU members.
a. Iceland
b. Latvia
c. Greece
d. Spain

7. The Department of Justice has sued this credit card company over “swipe fees” charged to merchants.
a. Visa
b. MasterCard
c. Discover
d. American Express

8. Last week Birtuka Mideksa, an opposition leader in this African nation, was freed after serving five years of a life sentence.
a. Uganda
b. Rwanda
c. Ethiopia
d. Namibia

9. Which state has a gerrymandered congressional district that is called “the rabbit on the skateboard”?
a. Illinois
b. Massachusetts
c. New Jersey
d. Minnesota

10. What is the current U.S. unemployment rate?
a. 9.2%
b. 9.4%
c. 9.6%
d. 9.8%