Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. What did President Biden announce as his top legislative priority for next year?

Codifying abortion protections into law. It was an attempt by President Biden to energize Democratic voters for this year’s midterm elections. Democratic candidates are making abortion rights a central piece of their campaign strategies, but questions remain whether focused Republican messaging on inflation will win out.

2. What did Iranian competitive climber Elnax Rekabi do in South Korea this week that could get her in trouble with Iran’s governing officials?

Rekabi competed without wearing a headscarf covering, or hijab, which Iran makes mandatory for all women. Iran is reeling from protests over the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was detained by the country’s morality police for wearing her hijab loosely. The BBC reported that Iranian officials had seized Rekabi’s mobile phone and passport.

3. Why might political junkies (and extempers) have to wait until December to see who controls the U.S. Senate?

If no candidate gets a majority (50%+) of the vote in Georgia’s Senate election between Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and Republican nominee Herschel Walker, there will be a runoff between them (and no minor party candidates) in early December. The winner of that could decide who controls the chamber if the Republicans fail to win fifty-one seats in other races (Democrats only need to win fifty seats because Vice President Kamala Harris can break ties). Last year, Georgia had two runoff elections for the Senate, where Democrats Jon Ossoff and Warnock defeated Senator David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to give their party fifty seats and control of the Senate.

4. Which national broadcaster recently celebrated 100 years?

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). It marked 100 years of broadcasting. The BBC was created on October 18, 1922 and did daily radio broadcasts. It did not start doing regular television broadcasts until 1936.

5. Which U.S. city has seen its city council rocked by scandal over racist remarks?

Los Angeles. A leaked recording last week of former council President Nury Martinez and council members Gil Cedillo and Kevin de Leon revealed that the three talked with a labor leader about how to increase Latino influence in the city and Martinez made racist remarks about the Black son of a white councilman, with Cedillo and de Leon laughing over it. Martinez resigned her post, but Cedillo and De Leon have not despite public protests against them. California Attorney General Rob Bonta also said he would launch an investigation into the city’s redistricting process due to the remarks.

6. President Biden announced last week that there would be consequences for what nation after OPEC+ announced a production cut?

Saudi Arabia. New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has floated the idea of freezing all future cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has defended the decision of OPEC+ to have a production cut, arguing that the measure was based purely on economic concerns.

7. Climate activists in London were charged with criminal damage for defacing what?

Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” painting, which was hanging in the national gallery. Two female climate protesters threw soup over the painting on Friday, which Britain’s National Gallery says was not damaged. They are part of a climate change protest group called Just Stop Oil, which wants the British government to stop new oil and gas projects.

8. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, what is the present U.S. inflation rate?

8.2%. This was 0.1% less than August’s measurement. Higher prices for food, housing, and medical care are what are driving higher consumer prices. American anxieties about inflation remain high, which could have a big impact on the midterm elections.

9. What did the U.S. recently send to Haiti to help police fighting growing gang violence?

Armored vehicles. According to the State Department, these were purchased by the Haitian government, which has been in conflict with demonstrators and gangs that have blocked crucial national infrastructure.

10. Who are the two major party candidates in Pennsylvania’s Senate race?

Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman (Democrat) and Dr. Mehmet Oz (Republican). Oz narrowly won the Republican primary after securing former President Donald Trump’s support. Fetterman suffered a stroke in May and that has raised questions about his health. The race has been close throughout the cycle. It is a race where the GOP is defending a seat as Senator Pat Toomey opted not to run for re-election.