Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!

1. Xi Jinping is expected to be China’s next president. What position in the Chinese government does he currently occupy?

2. Who is Great Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer?

3. American professor Ronald Slye resigned from the Turth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission in this nation, citing a lack of confidence in the organization.

4. A massive Medcare fraud case was uncovered in this state last week.

5. This NPR analyst was fired after comments about Muslims on the O’Reilly Factor.

6. The U.S. is under fire after Wikileaks revealed that it has been turning over detainees to this Iraqi torture squad.

7. This disease has killed 250 people and sickened 3,000 others in Haiti.

8. This Italian city has a waste disposal emergy because of organized crime, ineffiency, and political opportunism.

9. As of Sunday, how many bank failures have there been in the United States?

10. Next week, President Obama will be taking a two day visit to this nation.