Here is this week’s short answer Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!
1. American Online is said to be in talks to buy this online company.

2. Republicans may end up winning a special house election in this state on Tuesday.

3. The U.S. Postal Service has said that it may stop delivering mail on this day.

4. FBI agents have been raiding Solyndra, which was a company that tried to make money from this alternative energy source.

5. This state recently gave Amazon a one-year reprieve from having to collect a sales tax from its customers.

6. How much is President Obama’s jobs bill worth?

7. Where will the Republican presidential debate on Monday night be held?

8. The leader of this country said that the U.S. staged the 9/11 attacks on the ten year anniversary of 9/11.

9. 200 people died when a ferry capsized off the coast of this country last week.

10. An Israeli embassy came under siege in this country over the weekend.