
Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!quiz-01

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1. This band is possibly set to sue Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Rowan County clerk Kim Davis for $1.2 million.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Survivor.  The band criticized the playing of their song “Eye of the Tiger” at a rally when Davis was released from prison last week.  Survivor says that it did not give Huckabee or Davis permission to use the song.[/toggle]

2. Donald Trump’s criticism of this rival in the Republican field created a firestorm last week.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Carly Fiorina.  Trump’s comments about Fiorina, where he made fun of her face, were published in an interview with Rolling Stone.  Critics noted that this continues a pattern of sexist comments by Trump on the campaign trail.[/toggle]

3. Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley recently announced a policy proposal for gun control. What is the focal point of his plan?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]O’Malley argues that a 2005 bill that immunized firearms manufacturers from being sued when their products were used in crimes should be repealed.[/toggle]

4. This major city’s teachers are on strike after a weekend round of contract talks between union and school district officials failed to broker a settlement.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Seattle.  The city’s 53,000 public school students have had classes cancelled for five days due to the strike.  Seattle teachers argue that they have not been given a cost-of-living raise in six years despite growing costs in the city.  The standoff is the first in three decades for what is the largest public education system in the Pacific Northwest.[/toggle]

5. Who is the new leader of Britain’s Labour Party?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Longtime socialist member of parliament (MP) Jeremy Corbyn.  Corbyn campaigned for the position on an antiwar, pro-refugee, and anti-austerity platform, winning 59% of the vote on Saturday among Labour Party members.  Corbyn will succeed Ed Miliband, who resigned as Labour Party leader after Labour lost seats in Britain’s May elections.[/toggle]

6. According to the Wall Street Journal, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is proposing how much in new federal spending over the next ten years?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]$18 trillion.  If enacted, this would be the largest peacetime expansion of government in modern American history.[/toggle]

7. Who is Australia’s new prime minister?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Malcolm Turnbull.  Turnbull won an election for the Liberal Party’s leadership by a vote of 54-44, winning over disgruntled members of the party who were tiring of Tony Abbott’s low poll numbers and ineffective economic policies.[/toggle]

8. What is the Schengen Agreement?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]An agreement signed in June 14, 1985 among members of the then-named European Economic Community (EEC).  It went active in 1995 and allows for a relaxation of internal border controls among member states – currently twenty-six European countries – to provide freer movement and travel.[/toggle]

9. What steps is Hunary taking to deal with Europe’s migrant crisis?

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Hungary has announced that it will seal its borders and that it will force all new refugee arrivals into camps next to Serbia.  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban swore in 860 new border police earlier this week and the country placed a boxcar with razor wire along its 108-mile border fence with Serbia to close any remaining gaps.  Other EU nations are following suit to tighten their borders in response to the crisis.[/toggle]

10. This state’s legislature approved “right to die” legislation on Friday.

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]California.  The state’s legislature agreed to a bill that will give patients that have been been told they have less than six months to live the ability to acquire end-of-life prescription drugs from a physician.  The law is modeled after Oregon, which has had the practice since the late 1990s.  It is thus far unclear whether Governor Jerry Brown will sign the bill into law.[/toggle]