Here is this week’s Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz. Pick well and good luck!

1. Among GOP primary voters, this issue is Texas Governor Rick Perry’s biggest weakness.

2. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently stated that Europe needs to erect a firewall around this country to avert a cascade of market attacks on other European states.

3. This former Bush administration officials has written a new book called It Worked For Me.

4. U.S. counterterrorism officials are considering a military trial for a commander in this terrorist organization, who is currently held in Iraq.

5. This university is set to become the 13th university in the Southeastern Conference (SEC).

6. GOP presidential candidate criticized remarks by this Hollywood celebrity, who said that President Obama’s political opponents were making racist attacks against him.

7. Ali Abdullah Saleh recently returned to this country, after being away for months following serious injuries in a mortar attack.

8. This Middle Eastern country has recently announced that it will allow women to vote and run for local office.

9. This international organization has put out a call for billions of dollars in more funding.

10. This GOP presidential candidate won the Florida straw poll.