Here is your multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  According to Election Data Services, which of the following states is NOT going to lose a House seat in 2012? [Good article on this study found here]
a.  Utah
b.  New Jersey
c.  Louisiana
d.  Michigan

2.  Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said that he wants a peaceful division of this area.
a.  Western Sahel
b.  The Caucusus
c.  The Arctic
d.  Iraq

3.  The FDA has heard arguments about genetic modifications to this animal.
a.  Chicken
b.  Octopus
c.  Salmon
d.  Pig

4.  Carl Paladino is a controversial gubernatorial candidate in which state?
a.  Minnesota
b.  Arkansas
c.  Maryland
d.  New York

5.  Last Saturday was the anniversary of which famous presidential debate?
a.  Bill Clinton vs. George H.W. Bush vs. Ross Perot
b.  John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon
c.  Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. Herbert Hoover
d.  Ronald Reagan vs. Jimmy Carter

6.  This week, the Senate will hold a test vote on a bill concerning which economic issue?
a.  Bush tax cuts
b.  Minimum Wage
c.  Outsourcing
d.  Trade with China

7.  Environmental protesters were arrested in Australia over the weekend.  These environmentalists were protesting what natural resource?
a.  Talc
b.  Oil
c.  Uranium
d.  Coal 

8.  Last week, comedian Stephen Colbert testified on Capitol Hill about what issue?
a.  Healthcare reform
b.  Immigration
c.  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
d.  The stimulus bill

9.  Who is the new leader of Britain’s Labour Party?
a.  Alistair Darling
b.  Ed Miliband
c.  Harold Wilson
d.  Andy Burnham

10.  The international community fears that if the southern part of this African nation isn’t allowed to vote for independence that it could soon descend into civil war.
a.  Somalia
b.  Democratic Republic of Congo
c.  Uganda
d.  Sudan