Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. What is the latest COVID-19 variant that the CDC is following after its presence was recently detected in 49 states?

The mu variant. It was first detected in January in Colombia. Scientists fear that it could become more contagious than the delta variant and resist vaccinations. Nationwide, the mu variant is still less than 1% of samples.

2. Which African nation witnessed a coup on Sunday?

Guinea. Colonel Mamady Doumbouya led the coup, which arrested 83-year-old President Alpha Conde. Government ministers have bene ordered to leave. Guinea is rich in mineral resources, especially bauxite, but is hurt by political conflict after a controversial presidential election last year.

3. Who is the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party?

Erin O’Toole. O’Toole won control of the party in a 2020 leadership election after Andrew Scheer was forced to resign over an embezzlement scandal. Canada’s Conservative Party has surged ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party in polls for its September 20 election.

4. What new name has Afghanistan been given by the Taliban?

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The name change reverts Afghanistan to its title from when the Taliban first took power in the country in 1996. As the Taliban consolidate power it has come under fire from the international community for not including women in new government offices and violently cracking down protests for women’s rights.

5. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recently asked his followers to gather in Brasilia to oppose what?

The nation’s Supreme Court. Bolsonaro argues that Supreme Court judges are taking unconstitutional steps against his government. Brazil’s courts have allowed investigations into Bolsonaro’s supporters and rejected his efforts to add paper voting receipts to the nation’s electronic voting systems. Some of the protesters have pushed through police barriers near the Supreme Court building, causing some to fear that the nation is on the verge of a coup.

6. How many million COVID-19 cases has the U.S. had to this point?

40 million. The U.S. has logged more than four million infections over the last month. Of the 40 million infections, the U.S. has lost 649,134 people to the virus.

7. What Latin American country is making Bitcoin legal tender?

El Salvador. It is the first country in the world to allow the currency to become legal tender. The launch was problematic on Tuesday, though, as the nation’s technology could not handle the demand. El Salvador believes that allowing Bitcoin could help its citizens save $400 million a year on commissions for remittances.

8. What is the Supreme Court’s “shadow docket”?

The “shadow docket” refers to Supreme Court decisions that are handed down without oral argument taking place. Cases that are handled via this docket are those seeking emergency relief from a lower court order. The use of this docket has come under fire after the Court ruled last week 5-4 not to halt the implementation of Texas’ controversial abortion law.

9. Why did President Joe Biden receive criticism from some military families last week?

Biden was criticized by several Gold Star families for looking at his watch during a ceremony for service personnel killed in the recent Kabul airport attack. The White House did not comment on the incident, noting that Biden does care about military personnel because his late son, Beau, served in Iraq.

10. Which state is holding a special session to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic?

Kentucky. Democratic Governor Andy Beshear called the special session after courts have struck down his previous executive orders to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in the state. Kentucky has a Republican super majority in its legislature, which will now look to craft the state’s COVID-19 policy.