
Here are the answers to this week’s news quiz.

The answers are found in the multiple choice format and are bolded.

1. What is the name of the territory that is disputed between Armenia and Azerbajan that could threaten an agreement between Armenia and Turkey?
a. South Ossetia
b. Kirkuk
c. Nagorno-Karabakh
d. Badme

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three conditions Gordon Brown has set for sending 500 more British troops to Afghanistan?
a. More troops coming in from other European nations
b. Troops have to have all of their materials and equipment
c. The United States relaxes rules of engagement for troops
d. The Afghan government does more to fight corruption

3. Who is the Republican who joined Democrats in pushing the Senate Finance Committee’s bill out of committee?
a. Susan Collins
b. Chuck Grassley
c. Lindsey Graham
d. Olympia Snowe

4. The Pakistani Taliban have ties with which ethnic group that straddles Pakistan and Afghanistan?
a. Pashtun
b. Uzbek
c. Balochis
d. Tajiks

5. China raised concerns last week after it signed a oil and mineral deal for billions of dollars with which African nation?
a. Zimbabwe
b. Uganda
c. Guinea
d. Liberia

6. Name the four states who currently allow gay marriage.

Answer:  Iowa, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut

7. Who is the president of Chile?
a. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
b. Michelle Bachelet
c. Raphael Correa
d. Fernando Lugo

8. What is the unemployment rate in the U.S. last month?
a. 7.3%
b. 8.4%
c. 9.8%
d. 11%

9. Louisiana was in the news last week after a justice of the peace refused to do what?
a. Enforce federal marijuana laws
b. Adequately enforce the state’s cell phone ban
c. Seize foreclosed property of defaulting homeowners
d. Perform an interracial marriage

10. Japan’s government recently said they would no longer do what for the NATO mission in Afghanistan?
a. Supply peacekeeping troops
b. Refuel ships in the Indian Ocean
c. Provide oversight of local elections
d. Share intelligence with Western powers