quiz-01For those who are up to the challenge, here is your weekly Extemp Central news quiz over last week’s major domestic and international events in a short answer format. Good luck!

1. What is the current rate of unemployment in the United States?

2. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the prosecutor of the ICC, visited what country last week to look into election violence?

3. This Tuesday is the 20th anniversary of what historical event?

4. The U.S. peace deal in what Latin American nation is said to have broken down?

5. Which nation convicted 23 CIA agents in absentia last week?

6. What does Iran’s opposition movement call itself?

7. Which U.S. car firm recorded a profit for the first time in four years in October?

8. Which European leader visited the U.S. last week and addressed Congress on climate change?

9. What had to be stripped out of the House healthcare bill in order to get enough votes from conservative Democrats?

10. Which U.S. senator has said that he will look into whether Fort Hood was a terror attack?