1. Will recent fighting between Fatah and Hamas forces in the West questions Bank doom hopes for a unity government?
2. Twenty years later: Did Tiananmen Square fail to change China?
3. Will the government’s plan for GM prove fruitless?
4. Why is Belarus having a falling out with Russia?
5. What impact will the George Tiller shooting have on Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings?
6. Can the international community apply lessons learned from the war on drugs to the problem of Somali piracy?
7. Obama’s cyber security plan: sound policy or completely misguided?
8. Will Obama’s words concerning Iran’s nuclear program prompt Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear installations?
9. Is the U.S. economy headed for Zimbabwe style hyperinflation?
10. Are Mexican efforts to help street children an attempt to sweep the problem of poverty “under the rug”?