1.  Does Obama’s current push for universal healthcare have a better chancequestions at succeeding that Bill Clinton’s attempt?
2.  Should Russia be willing to exchange support for actions against Iran for U.S. abandonment of a missile defense shield in Europe?
3.  Was Hillary Clinton’s announcement that she plans to press for a Palestinian state bad for Israel?
4.  Is Zardari hold on Pakistan weakening?
5.  Should the U.S. pay more attention to Mexico drug problem?
6.  What changes should be made when No Child Left Behind is reauthorized?
7.  Will more planned education spending by the Obama administration improve the quality of American schools?
8.  Should Minnesota re-run its Senate election?
9.  Will the recent lawsuit filed by gay rights advocates for federal benefits lead to DOMA being declared unconstitutional?
10.  Is it wise to let the Bush tax cuts expire?