Here are your extemp questions for the week of October 15, 2012

United States

Is Gawker’s outing of Michael Brutsch as skeezy social-media-ite Violentacrez a cause for concern?

Does Hillary Clinton’s admission of accountability for the embassy violence in Benghazi present an insurmountable difficulty in the likelihood of a 2016 presidential bid?

Should conservatives seize on the reversal of Salim Hamdan’s conviction as a talking point against the Obama administration?

Which strategy represents a better plan for Romney: a focused win in Ohio, or a Wisconsin-Iowa victory?

Should Barack Obama prioritize regaining support among women voters?

Which viral criticism of Romney will have more sticking power among his critics: Sesame Street, or Binders Full of Women?

Real-estate: buy, sell, or hold?

How can Romney make Obama’s management of Libya a favorable position for him among undecided voters?

Should the Federal Government be more active in addressing the male/female wage gap?

With George Zimmerman’s trial date set, will his case return to the forefront of American dialogue, or remain in relative obscurity?


Will new-found unity between Syrian rebels aid them in the quest for international legitimacy?

What is the worst-case scenario for State Department negotiations with Afghanistan regarding withdrawal amounts and dates?

Is Pakistan’s ruling coalition in a position to engage in educational reform?

Will UN reports of Rwandan and Ugandan support for M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo result in sufficient pressure for international action?

What should Honduras’s government prioritize in its plan to reduce regional violence?

Does Pauline Marois’ attack on Francois Hollande’s foreign policy present a new-found challenge in Canadian-French relations?

Should Chinese citizens be excited, or fearful, about the 2012 Communist Party Congress?

Should Ukraine cave to international pressure about its tariff plans?

Does Australia’s newly-established nuclear deal with India present a threat or an opportunity for US interests in the region?

Is newly-released economic data indicating Chinese growth acceleration a sign of change, or an outlier in an ongoing slump?