Here are your extemp questions for the week of Oct. 1, 2012.

United States

Who will benefit the most from the Apple-Samsung patent war?

Will the 2012 presidential debates change the outcome of the race?

How should the US respond to Russia’s ouster of USAID from the country?

Will the 113th Congress be able to achieve more bipartisan policies than the 112th?

Has the US done enough to prepare Afghanistan for the 2014 withdrawal date?

What lessons does the Chicago Teachers’ Union strike hold for national education policy?

Is California’s ban on “gay conversion therapy” for minors likely to spread nationally?

Is Arizona’s hardline approach to illegal immigration yielding any results?

Do the Republicans have a shot at retaking the Senate majority in 2012?

Will Obama and Romney’s record fundraising spur a fresh look at campaign finance reform?


What should Turkey do to bring about international action to quell the violence in Syria?

Does Russia’s pro-democracy movement have any hope of ousting Putin?

Do Georgia’s recent elections signal the beginning of the end for Saakashvili?

Are the days of cheap East Asian labor coming to an end?

Has Italy seen the last of Berlusconi in office?

Is Angela Merkel a shoo-in for re-election in 2013?

Does Capriles have what it takes to govern a post-Chavez Venezuela?

Does the threat of Boko Haram warrant AU assistance to Nigeria?

What should Cristina Fernandez do to bring Argentina’s inflation under control?

How should Russia respond to the brewing tensions between Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan?