Here are your extemp questions for the week of Oct. 8, 2012

United States

Will the Obama administration come to regret its decision to block the purchase of US wind farms by a Chinese company?

Will Romney be able to repeat his 1st debate performance in the upcoming debates?

Will Republican accusations that employment statistics are being manipulated erode Obama’s boost from a lower unemployment rate?

What more can the US do to prepare for the economic burden of retiring Baby Boomers?

Can Romney be trusted to maintain his new “centrist” position?

What can the Federal Government do to ensure that increasing Wall Street profits bring their boon to Main Street?

Will the trial of Abu Hamza have a meaningful impact on the November elections?

Meningitis outbreak: uncontrollable fluke, or symptom of a regulatory oversight?

Would the Obama administration benefit from bringing social issues to the front of the national stage?

What can Romney do to help assure an Ohio victory?


Will Chavez’s victory bring further entrenchment of the “Bolivarian Revolution’s” socialist principles in Venezuela?

Will popular protests disrupt European leaders’ plans to hold the Eurozone together?

Will rising oil revenues in Iraq bring stability, or renewed conflict?

Will Latin American drug decriminalization turn the tide in the fight against drug gangs?

Does Shinzo Abe have a shot at becoming Prime Minister of Japan again?

Would Paraguay’s early re-admittance to Mercosur undermine South cement Franco’s 2013 re-election ambitions?

Can the Rajapaksa administration continue to withstand scrutiny from the UN Human Rights Council?

What can Asia’s economies do to smooth their economic transition from manufacturing to services?

Is Syrian violence in danger of spilling over into Turkey?

Should Iran press forward with its nuclear ambitions?