Here are your questions for the week:

United States

Which battleground state will prove most important in the 2012 presidential election?

Will the controversy over Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage have a meaningful impact on the Massachusetts senate race?

Will the “replacement ref” controversy lead the NFL to concede to the referee’s demands?

Will voter ID laws last beyond the 2012 election cycle?

Has the presidential campaign disrupted Obama’s ability to fulfil his presidential duties?

Was it wise of Newt Gingrich to raise funds for Todd Akin’s Senate race?

As we enter the 2012 election, how should Republicans plan for 2016?

Does the media focus on election polling distract from substantive campaign issues?

Should the IRS audit churches that participate in “Pulpit Freedom Sunday?”

Do the strong efforts by Obama and Romney to court the Latino vote represent a substantial inclusion on the issues, or is it mere political theatre?


Will Ahmadinejad’s grandstanding in New York increase the chances of an Israeli first strike?

What should China’s top priority be in its ongoing territorial dispute with Japan and Taiwan?

Does the UN have the political will to resolve the food crisis in Syria?

Will Mohamed Morsi’s address to the United Nations have a lasting impact on Egyptian foreign relations?

Does Spain’s EU bailout represent a turning point in the Eurozone’s financial struggles?

Should the UK open an investigation into Trafigura’s conduct in the Ivory Coast?

Do Manmohan Singh’s reforms go far enough to restore India’s economic competitiveness?

What should the AU do to combat Al Qaeda’s influence in North Africa?

Should Mexico’s mass-arrest of police officers be viewed as a positive sign, or an ill omen?

Will Israel’s plan to issue additional work permits to Palestinians help relieve the tension between Israelis and Palestinians?