Here are your practice extemp questions for the week of September 4, 2012.

United States

What can Mitt Romney do to increase his appeal to Latino voters?

How can Obama move beyond “You didn’t build that” as a sticking point for his campaign?

Which political party will benefit the most from the party conventions?

Will a focus on social issues help or hinder Republicans in the 2012 Congressional races?

After his convention speech, is Paul Ryan still an asset to the Romney campaign?

Will Apple’s patent victory over Samsung have a lasting effect on competition in the smartphone market?

After Facebook’s flop, will investors be on board for future tech company IPOs?

Does the handling of Hurricane Isaac indicate that the US still hasn’t learned the lessons of Katrina?

Will the recent spate of high-publicity mass shootings lead to any real changes in US gun control policies?

Are we finally witnessing a true recovery of the US housing market?


Will the influx of Syrian refugees be too much for Syria’s neighbors to handle?

What do renewed Sino-Indian military exercises herald for the relationship between China and India?

Will next month’s peace talks with FARC rebels yield any lasting progress?

Does Moody’s downgraded EU financial outlook increase the chance of a breakup for the Euro?

Can Enrique Pena Nieto turn the tide in the fight against Mexico’s drug gangs?

Which organisation has a better chance of resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea: ASEAN or APEC?

Can Muhammad Morsi successfully steer Egypt’s economy into recovery?

Will David Cameron come to regret the decision to reshuffle his cabinet?

Does Ethiopia have a brighter future without Meles Zenawi?

What should Jacob Zuma do to defuse the violent conflict between mine workers and mining companies?