2010-2011 National Points Race Standings Are Updated to Reflect George Mason

The 2010-2011 Extemp Central National Points Race and National Team Points Race standings have been updated to reflect the results of the George Mason University Patriot Games Tournament.  There are some new names and teams in the latest rankings so find out who they are by clicking on the “Natl Pts Race” tab above or clicking here.

The Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin, the only second tier tournament in the National Points Race, is the next National Points Race tournament and it will take place in four weeks in Nashville, Tennessee.  Extemp Central will provide live coverage of this event, as well as several preview pieces for it in the weeks ahead.

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Tournament Notice: The 2nd Annual Texas Capital City Extemp Round Robin


  1. dgoldman627

    Mike neubauer goes to Walt Whitman in Maryland not Durham Academy

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