While Extemp Central has had a Twitter for the better part of four years, I admit that I have not effectively used it for the site, mostly out of general ignorance for what it does.  I’m starting to learn, though, so not only will we be using it to update readers about new content on the site or connect extempers with other community and national circuit news, but we will also retweet major news stories that extempers may want to read/put in their files.  Extemp Central already follows hundreds of news feeds from across the nation, so we can retweet select stories that we think are of some use to the extemp community.  I hope that by doing this Extemp Central can be a useful resource for students collecting and filing articles, in addition to the other content offered on the website.

If you would like to follow us on Twitter, just click the “Follow @Extemp on Twitter” button in the top right corner of the page.

-Logan Scisco

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