1.  Can the Democratic Alliance capitalize on voter frustration with the ANC in South Africa’s municipal elections next month?
2.  How will Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest spat with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei impact his political standing?
3.  Can Singapore’s opposition win a parliamentary majority?
4.  Why have Thai-Cambodian cease-fire talks collapsed?
5.  How will Lobsang Sangay’s election as the third kalon tripa impact China’s policies toward Tibet?
6.  Are worries about Ukranian national cohesion justified?
7.  Is Syria the next Libya?
8.  Which country is the world’s worst human rights abuser?
9.  What modifications should the EU make to the Schengen Agreement?
10.  Would Nigeria be better off if it were split into two different states?

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