1.  Will the Green Party be able to turn their victories in state races into control of the German government in 2013?
2.  Has the interdependent nature of the world economy made it easier to oust dicators?
3.  Are Asian economies doing enough to ward off inflationary pressures?
4.  If Gaddafi falls from power, should he be prosecuted by the ICC?
5.  By the end of the summer, will Turkey be the most powerful player in the Middle East?
6.  What does the detention of Ai Weiwei mean for China’s liberal intellectuals?
7.  Should economics or security be more important in Britain’s latest overtures towards Pakistan?
8.  Is Michel Martelly’s inexperience a bad omen for Haiti’s future?
9.  What is behind France’s more assertive approach towards global affairs?
10.  Are the Libyan rebels too weak to topple the Gaddafi government?

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