HOTtopics1. How should the West react to Russia’s recent moves near Ukraine?
2. Has the UN lost significant credibility over its response to the Rohingya genocide?
3. Can Pinera fix Chile?
4. Will Thailand’s military junta call new elections in the near future?
5. Could U.S. tariffs bolster the cause of Chinese political reformers?
6. Does Qatar’s exit from OPEC illustrate problems for the long-term viability of the organization?
7. What steps should President Joao Lourenco take to improve the Angolan economy?
8. Should France give its seat on the UN Security Council to the European Union?
9. Will Israel hold new elections before next November?
10. Should Iran be wary of Russian military assistance to Lebanon’s government?

Note:  Due to the winter holiday, this will be our last posting of questions until the first week of January.