Note:  These will be the last questions for two weeks due to the winter holiday.  New questions will be posted on January 1, 2024.

1. Should debt relief be leveraged for renewable energy investment in African nations?
2. What should Brazil do if Venezuela seizes the Essequibo with military force?
3. Should a new international institution be created to replace the United Nations?
4. What does the Indian National Congress need to do to win back power?
5. How would the formation of an OPEC for nickel affect the global economy?
6. Will Ukraine’s military effort against Russia collapse without U.S. aid?
7. Has China become the new “honest broker” in the Middle East?
8. Will Milei be able to translate his rhetoric about the Argentinian economy into bold action?
9. Should Guatemala re-run its presidential election?
10. Will Azerbaijan’s territorial revisionism stop at Nagorno-Karabakh?