HOTtopics1.  Is there a something rotten with the state of Venezuela’s banks?
2.  Has Russia effectively thwarted Georgia and Ukraine’s steps toward NATO membership?
3.  What should be Yukiya Amano’s first priority as the new head of the IAEA?
4.  Why is Greece on the brink of bankruptcy?
5.  Will EU expansion plans into the Balkans delay Turkey’s admission into the organization?
6.  Can Tony Abbott resuscitate Australia’s Liberal Party?
7.  Is domestic criticism of Stephen Harper’s stance towards China misplaced?
8.  Will the Tamils be the kingmaker in the Sri Lankan presidential election?
9.  Do Chinese efforts to prosecute Liu Xiaobo show that a crackdown on human rights defenders has become standard operating procedure for the Chinese government?
10.  Which is worse:  the bombing of Iran or Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon?